Definition of a fully-integrated law firm:
Two main categories of information must be synced across to your co-counsel. Milestones are key moments in the lifecycle of each case. Our Zapier triggers support syncing milestones across and some have specific fields that are required (like closing a case with a fee which requires fee amunts, or declining a case which requires a decline reason).
Create intake when referral is received
When your firm receives a referral through Lexamica, a new intake must be automatically created for review by your intake team. Every cloud-based intake and matter management system allows for the automation of this step.
Client contact attempts must be logged back to Lexamica automatically. Any attempted contact that includes an outbound phone call counts as a client contact attempt (see below).
Case retained
When a client agrees to retain your firm's services, this status must be automatically updated in Lexamica.
This update must include a copy of the signed retainer as a pdf uploaded as part of the update.
Case declined
If your firm decides not to take on a case, or if the client chooses not to proceed, this status must be automatically updated in Lexamica.
Include the reason for declination. Originating firms want to understand why you aren't taking the case.
Status update made
All lifecycle changes must be logged back to Lexamica as they happen. Additionally if no change has been made, a status confirmation must be made at most every 90 days with a note explaining why no change has occurred on the case.
Case closed with fee
When a case is successfully concluded and a fee is collected, this information must be automatically updated in Lexamica. Payment and final fee amounts will be made in the Lexamica platform by the finance user.
Case closed no fee
If a case is closed without collecting a fee (e.g., pro bono work or case dismissal), this status must be automatically updated in Lexamica. Include the reason for no fee collection.
Document upload is also required at this step to show the end of the client contract.
Case Activity
Phone calls, notes, emails and text messages
Must be synced. You have work product that you might not want to sync verbatim. That's OK. What our originating firms want to know is when and how you've either contacted or attempted to contact client.
Syncing across notes related to important case activity like retrieving medical records, taking depositions, etc is critical. CRMs like Filevine that support tags on notes adds an easy way to automate which notes will sync to your referral partners.