When Captorra is integrated with Lexamica, a data sync is created between the two platforms. This integration enables you to continue using Captorra without having to log in to Lexamica and make updates. Not only does this save you time, but it ensures data accuracy and eliminates the need for email notifications from Lexamica.
So how does it work?
Once the Lexamica team activates your Captorra integration, any lead that is sent to you through the Lexamica platform will automatically appear in your Captorra system. As you update the lead, those updates will also appear in Lexamica. There are three main actions that must be reflected in Lexamica:
Accept - When you have a signed retainer with the client, you accept to take on the lead as an active case
Decline - If you are not interested in the lead, you decline to take on the case
Stage Change - Reaching out to the potential client, status updates and completed consults are all considered stage changes in Lexamica
Here's what needs to happen:
The statuses in your Captorra system must be mapped to the corresponding Lexamica action. For example, if your status for a declined case in Captorra is labeled "Turned Down", that status must be mapped to the Lexamica term "Decline" in order for that update to sync across the two platforms. This mapping must be completed for each Captorra status. Once the mapping is completed, all changes that you make in Captorra will be automatically reflected in the Lexamica platform.
The Lexamica team will complete the data mapping and ensure that you are comfortable working the process through personalized training sessions. To get started, send an email to [email protected] to reserve your place in line today!